Nipsey Hussle Honored With Wax Figure In Atlanta
Nipsey Hussle’s legacy continues to live on despite his life being cut short in 2019. Most recently, the West Coast legend was honored with a wax figure. The figurine was unveiled in Atlanta during the “Invest Fest.” The festival is sponsored by Earn Your Leisure, Microsoft, and The Marathon (the rapper’s clothing line). Together, they developed a business grant in Nip’s honor, worth nearly $100,000. The funds would go to one lucky entrepreneur to help grow their business.
Earn Your Leisure CEO Rashad Bilal told REVOLT the idea stemmed from an interview with Nipsey Hussle’s brother, Blacc Sam. “When we were putting together the Invest Fest lineup, I definitely wanted The Marathon to be a part of it in some capacity,” he explained. “The first idea was to have The Marathon as a pop-up shop. But Sam wanted to do something more impactful than just have merch there.”
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